Learning about Mother of pearl

Mother of pearl (MOP) is a valued substance that forms the lining of shells in some offreshwater and seawater mollusks. MOP is categorized by the opalescent substance of the shell. Shells – MOP is created by secretion of mollusks and composed of an alternative layer of calcium carbonate and conchiolin.  With these composition, it will give a different reflect of colors to the light. It can create a complete rainbow color on light reflection depend ontype of creature and their living environment. This Shells-MOP is used for various decorative purposes, including human fashion jewelry. Jewelry made by this Shells – MOP is always elegant piece according to its light reflection. The piece can always give a simple and unfading look with unique character. One good thing about this MOP jewelry is about its lifetime, the piece will stay for a lifetime. It will be able to pass from generation to the next without any problem.


There are many types of shells that will give a different look for the Shells – MOP as follow.

1. White mother of pearl: this type is obtainable from the pearl bearing oyster. It will perform a high light reflective quality compare with other types.

2. Iridescent mother of pearl: this type will be present in the form of pinks and greens format.

3. Chip mother of pearl: this type is coming with multicolored types, easy to differentiate from the others.

4. Stone mother of pearl: this type is coming in white with lesser reflective light qualities.

5. Mat mother of pearl: this type is coming with a dull grey color. The light reflective quality is also lower than the other type.

If you classified the Shells – MOP based on the water source, yes, it will be classified into two types

1. Fresh water mother of pearl: found in freshwater source like rivers. The color for this type is usually in yellow and white.

2. Sea/salt water mother of pearl: they are coming inrainbow, black or white colors with a bigger size compare with the fresh water one.

This Shells – MOP is able to use for jewelry maker for many pieces. It has been recorded since the ancient time for the use as human decoration. It was also used for a sign of dignity. For today, you can see lots of product based on this MOP material. Go with any piece you like, it will bring you an elegant look for sure.